Tag: its

  • Dr.Eng. Widiyastuti dikukuhkan sebagai profesor ITS ke-200

    Dr.Eng. Widiyastuti dikukuhkan sebagai profesor ITS ke-200

    Hari kamis, 7 Maret 2024, menjadi hari yang bersejarah dan membahagiakan bagi laboratorium Elektrokimia dan Korosi karena pada hari itu salah satu anggota laboratorium dikukuhkan menjadi profesor ITS yang ke-200. Ia adalah Dr. Widiyastuti, yang saat ini juga mendapat amanah sebagai Kepala Departemen Teknik Kimia ITS. Dr. Widiyastuti dikukuhkan bersama dengan 7 profesor lain dari…

  • Nanopartikel yang menjanjikan untuk baterai pemasok listrik di daerah 3T

    Peneliti di Laboratorium Elektrokimia dan Korosi, Departemen Kimia ITS telah mengembangkan teknologi berbasis nanopartikel mangan dioksida yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti katalis Pt yang harganya mahal untuk reaksi reduksi oksigen. Nanopartikel ini dibuat dengan elektrolisis larutan kalium permanganat dalam air. Dengan mengatur keasaman larutan, morfologi nanopartikel mangan dioksida dapat diatur menjadi nano-batang atau  nano-pipih. Perangkat…

  • Banyuwangi 12-13 Maret 2016
  • 2016 iSyCE

    2016 iSyCE

    Delivering Keynote speech at 2016 International Symposium for Young Chemical Engineers organized by Dept. of Chemical Engineering – National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) and Guest Lecture at Dept. Chemical Engineering – National Taiwan University (NTU). (Taipei, 1-4 September 2016)  

  • Graduation Ceremony (19/09/2015)

    Graduation Ceremony (19/09/2015)

    The graduation ceremony for our students graduated this period was held on Saturday, 19 September 2015 in Graha Sepuluh Nopember. Congratulations. They are Doctoral Nanik Astuti Rahman Master Supriyono Memik Dian Pusfitasari Dini Aulia Rachmawati Azzah Dyah Pramata (Joint Degree with Kumamoto Univ.) Bachelor Agquilline Novianty Kantanegara Victoria Amanda Putri Chandra Emelia Tri Ambarwati Jannatun…

  • Proceeding of NNS2013 has been published by AIP

    The collection of papers presented on the 5th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium (NNS2013; Gallery) held in Surabaya on 23-25 October 2013 has been published online by American Institute of Physics (AIP) (AIP Proceeding vol. 1586). This proceeding is edited by Prof. Heru Setyawan, Dr. Widiyastuti and Dr. Siti Machmudah and is open access that can…

  • Japan Powder Technology Forum within NNS 2013 and launching of Indonesian Powder Association

    (Berita lain: disini) Within “the 5th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium (NNS 2013)” held by Study Center of Materials and Nanotechnology LPPM ITS on 23-25 October 2013 in Meritus hotel, Surabaya, the Department of Chemical Engineering ITS, cooperated with the Society of Powder Technology Japan, held “Japan Powder Technology Forum (JPTF 2013)”. Both NNS 2013 and JPTF 2013…

  • Cooperation with PT Trans Jawa Sulawesi

    Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with PT Trans Jawa Sulawesi (17/09/2013) on education, research and social services (disini). The MoU was signed by the rector of ITS, Prof. Triyogi Yuwono, and the Commissioner of PT Trans Jawa Sulawesi, Mr. Anton Rianto. The MoU is valid for 5 years and…

  • Six titles receive fund from PKMP

    Continuing the last year success by 5 titles, this year six titles proposed to the Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia by our students are awarded fund through PKMP (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa – Penelitian/Students Creativity Program – Research). The titles of research funded are Sintesa Komposit Fe3O4/C…